An epileptic seizure is due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It consists of the involuntary contractions of the muscles in the body. Seizures may be caused by a number of reasons. Those may include, head injuries, lack of oxygen reaching the brain, difficult births, damage and subsequent scarring to the brain tissues, CVA (stroke) or a chemical imbalance. Bright flashing lights or certain smells can trigger a seizure.
Absence Seizure:
An Absence Seizure is caused by a minor disturbance in the brains electrical activity. The signs and symptoms of a casualty suffering from Absence Seizures may be so minimal that the condition may go untreated for years.
Tonic Clonic:
A Tonic Clonic is a recurring major disturbance of the brains activity causing violent and severe movements and thrashing. The casualty also becomes unconscious whilst having the seizure. Some sufferers of epileptic seizures may have a warning period, suddenly smelling a strange smell, tasting a funny taste, or suffering a funny feeling. These warning signs often give the sufferer time to find a safe area to lie down to have the seizure.

Signs and symptoms of an Absence Seizure may include:
- Staring blankly ahead.
- Suddenly stop talking through a sentence.
- Funny noises
- Slight jerking or twitching of the lips, eyes, limbs or head.
- Odd movements eg: lip smacking, clicking the tongue, chewing the lip.
Signs and Symptoms of a Tonic Clonic may include:
- Casualty falls to the ground unconscious, letting out a loud cry.
- Full body jerking movements.
- Blue congested face.
- Noisy breathing or wheezing.
- Body becomes stiff and the back arches.
- Congested or standing out blood vessels in the neck.
- Frothing from the mouth possibly blood stained due to the biting of their tongue.
- Possible loss of bladder and bowel control.