Prevention is the best treatment. This means you have to learn how to swim as well as basic life saving rescue and CPR. Knowing boating and swimming pool rules are very important too.
Signs and Symptoms may include
- No breathing
- Possibly no pulse
- Blue face and lips
- Possibly a fine foamy froth from the mouth and nose
Follow the Basic First Aid Plan to assess the casualty.
Never become a casualty yourself – never attempt a rescue beyond your capabilities. Consider using a floatation device for the casualty to cling to. This may calm them down and stop them from panicking and injuring or drowning the rescuer.
- Begin mouth to nose rescue breaths in the water if possible, while wading to shore. If in deep water use a flotation aid. DO NOT attempt rescue breaths if there is danger to yourself.
- Once ashore – check and clear the airway.
- Seek medical aid immediately.
- Commence CPR
- Once breathing commences, place the casualty onto their side. Keep warm and continually monitor observations until medical aid arrives.
NOTE: Even if the casualty is resuscitated successfully, they still need to seek medical aid.